Asphalt City (2024)

As night falls over New York City, Ollie Cross and Gene Rutkovsky stand ready to face whatever challenges come their way as paramedics on the front lines. With each 911 call, they plunge headfirst into the chaos, risking life and limb to provide aid to those in distress. Their partnership serves as a beacon of hope in the darkness, illustrating the courage and sacrifice required to serve as guardians of the night, protecting the city and its inhabitants with unwavering dedication. Follow Subsmovies Thriller Movies for more.

Asphalt City Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Asphalt City (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Director: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire
Writer: Ben Mac Brown, Shannon Burke, Ryan King
Stars: Sean Penn, Tye Sheridan, Gbenga Akinnagbe