Dan Lawson, a seasoned detective from Chicago, embarks on a transatlantic journey to Scotland, teaming up with local detective Boyd. Their mission? To hunt down a serial killer whose grisly crimes mirror an unsolved case from Lawson’s past. Amidst the rugged landscapes of Scotland, the duo navigates through a labyrinth of clues and dangers, haunted by the shadows of the killer’s past atrocities. As the investigation deepens, they uncover shocking truths and face their own inner demons. With time ticking away, Lawson and Boyd must race against the clock to stop the killer before history repeats itself. Follow Subsmovies for more.
Damaged Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Damaged (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Director: Terry McDonough
Writer: Paul Aniello, Gianni Capaldi, Koji Steven Sakai
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent Cassel, Gianni Capaldi