Three siblings—Salim, Veysel, and Senol—reside in the countryside and each one of them is tasked with different responsibilities. While the rest of the family are shepherds, thereby making ends meet, < person 1 > is guarding home, supervising the cleaning, and trying to look after their sick mother, whom < this > has driven away from school. Salim’s wishes for a wedding that costs too much pressure the family and lead to a conflict of interests. The tension between them is taking a growth curve and eventually brings the situation to a head. Follow Subsmovies Drama Movies for more.
Aga Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Aga (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Drama
Director: Mevlüt Tasci
Writer: Savas Saylan, Dilek Çolak
Stars: Taner Cindoruk, Talha Dündar, Sait Seçkin