Back in Action (2025)

Anonymity is what Emily and Matt, ex-spies, loved the most, they found the peace unbroken by anyone. But the things turned upside down when they were forced to reveal the information of their secret lives. They come back to the arena of intelligence dealing with new enemies and old ones in the process. Getting caught caused them to escape to a race to discover the truth and save themselves. On the dangerous road through which they try to deceive others, they need their skills and a good partnership very much to stay alive. Their story is a touching one, in which they succeed in the end, but it also involves encountering and battling the spirits of their former lives. Follow Subsmovies Action Movies for more.

Back in Action Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Back in Action (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Spy, Action, Comedy
Director: Seth Gordon
Writer: Seth Gordon, Brendan O’Brien
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts